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"Our themes were inherited, evolution and deepening. Designing a "near future face" that is appropriate for the new generation while inheriting Rolex Replica Watches's traditions, which our predecessors built up. Kiyotaka Sai, the designer of Rolex Replica Watches Heritage Collection’s latest entry, says that was their goal.

Sakai had to solve a very unique problem when designing the watch. How can you reinvent a timepiece that has stood the test? Sakai's response: By leveraging advancements in manufacturing technology and workmanship,Best Replica Watches taking into account the changes in lifestyles and observing history. Sakai was able to redesign the 44GS using these considerations.

Sakai first immersed himself into the lifestyle of people in Japan in the mid-century, at the time the 44GS was launched. In Japan and other countries at that time, cars and suits were more dazzling, and items with glittery appeal were popular. Sakai says that watches were worn mainly in formal settings, such as at work or parties.

Sakai, along with his colleagues, sought out a new direction for the 60th anniversary. They wanted to honor the past, while looking forward with a resolute attitude. The goal was to create a striking look. In a time when an individual's thinking and behavior is valued more, I felt we needed a watch design that would announce the wearer.

Sakai was most concerned with the changes in lifestyles around the world. The settings in which modern watches are worn were also important to Sakai. Sakai says, "Looking to the future,Replica Panerai Luminor Submersible Watches I thought these ideas should inspire the next Rolex Replica Watches designs." This is my mission. I know it.

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